Thursday, February 9, 2012

Valentine Pretzel Buttons

These are one of my kids' favorite treats. And mine, too! They are pretty to look at, are quick and easy, and are the perfect salty/sweet combo.

 What you'll need:
  • square pretzels
  • Hershey's Hugs (you can use Kisses, too, but I think the Hugs taste better and they definitely soften up better!)
  • plain M&Ms

Preheat oven to 200°.  (If your oven runs hot you may want to turn the temp down to 170°.)

Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper or Silpat.  Place the pretzels on and top them with the hugs.  

Bake for 4-5 minutes until the chocolate is shiny and soft (but NOT melting - they should still hold their shape).  

Carefully place an M&M in the center of each hug and press it down to spread the chocolate.  

Allow to cool completely (a few minutes in the fridge works perfectly) and enjoy!


  1. Ohh yummy! Pinning and making, thanks for sharing :)

  2. Yum...this is too cute!!! My niece will love these :D

  3. cool, we will make these! Pinned it as well!!!!!

  4. I love this idea! So cute and easy!

  5. I can never get these to work. The kisses always become hard and brittle. Any ideas?

    1. Do you use the kisses or hugs? I always have that problem with the kisses but the hugs soften up very easily.

    2. I have never used the hugs, but am super excited to tomorrow! I have always used regular choc. kisses and never had bad luck, except with the holiday ones! Always have bad luck with those ones! So I always try to remember to buy just regular silver wrapped kisses!

    3. I had a problem making these, but I used the regular twisted pretzels, thinking they looked kinda like a heart..some were okay but many of the hugs tipped to the side. I wish they looked as pretty as the picture! :(

    4. I made these today. I looked everywhere for valentine M&M's. I used sour cherry balls cut in half. Still had the pop of red. Really cute and tasty too! Thanks for sharing!

    5. I just tried these with kisses and they came out terrible. I even made another batch and left them in an extra minute. They don't melt down when you press the M&M in :( I'll try it with the hugs. Wasted 80 kisses :'(

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    7. Mine came out really bad too. I think that 200 is way too low for the kisses. I have a feeling if I cooked them for 3-5 mins at 300, it would have worked better.

    8. Please go back and re read this...there was a warning that regular kisses do not work as well...obviously that is true by the number of comments talking about how poorly theirs turned out using reg. kisses.
      NEWSFLASH.......use hugs instead and use square pretzels...follow directions people and then if they don't can blame the hostess who posted this cute idea.

    9. I've seen this recipe made with kisses but they were microwaved for 1 minute. Haven't tried it yet, but that might make a difference. Also have seen it with candy hearts on top. Cute too.

    10. It's probably because regular kisses are mostly just wax.... not real chocolate that melts well. Use the hugs instead!

  6. My zebra-print-loving SIL will love these! :)

  7. I pinned this! These look like they'd make up easy and it's some of my favorites all in one bite. :) Thanks!

  8. I saw this from a friend a while back and was gonna make them but I can't find the square pretzels :((

    1. the ones i used are made by Snyder and i usually get them from target. the regular twist pretzels will work just fine, too!

    2. I don't have a local target, so I know walmart has the square ones too!

    3. Our "Dollar Tree" carries them, as well as the 99¢ Store.

  9. Can't wait to create these for the kids Valentine's Day parties!

  10. I need some help. I made these and they will not harden back up. I put them in the fridge but once I took them out they softened again. I am trying to ship these. How do I get the chocolate to harden and stay that way. Also the chocolate melted through the holes of the pretzel. Should that have happened or do I need to change the length of time I cook them? Thanks

    1. yes, i would change the cooking time, maybe drop the temp of the oven to 170 if yours tends to cook a little hotter. they shouldn't melt completely. when you take them out of the oven they should still have the same shape, they will just be soft when you push the m&m in. maybe leave them in the fridge a little longer. so sorry, but hope the second time's the charm! :)

    2. I didn't have any room to put them in the refrigerator, so I put them in the freezer. It worked really well and they tasted delicious! It only took about 10-20 min. To harden up!

  11. Thanks for the recipe! I'm going to try dark chocolate and peanut m'ms

  12. Thanks for the recipe! I am going to make them with my grandkids today using Hugs for some and Rolos for others.

  13. These look so pretty and yummy! Can't wait to try this sweet-n-salty treat. Thank you for sharing! :)

  14. Mine are finished and look great--they will taste even better! Set your timer for half the time and check them. At four minutes mine were a touch past softened and moving rapidly to melting. So adorable anyways!

  15. Thanks for sharing! I may have to try these soon.

  16. Love these..gosh.. just changing the m & m color.. we have this for every holiday. Many Thanks :)

  17. I made these an hour ago and they turned out just like the picture! I also tried them with the caramel kisses because they only had one bag of the hugs and kisses. The caramel ones are still cooling down but I hope the caramel hardens enough to where it isn't sticky. Anyway, thank you for sharing this super easy and tasty treat!

  18. I used your recipe and photos to make a recipe layout for a challenge on two peas in a bucket. Gave you credit but still wanted you to know.

    1. what a cute idea! love the way it turned out. :)

  19. This is so fun!! cute blog!

  20. I couldn't for the life of me find a bag of just the Hugs! However, I learned that the 1 lb mixed bag of Hugs & Kisses will give you around 40 of the Hugs (with maybe just one or two leftover for mommy to enjoy!). There's only 16 kids in my son's class, so the two bags I bought should be MORE than sufficient!

  21. I couldn't find any pink&red M&M packs, so I bought V-Day sprinkles and I'm going to try that... Might be a little tough to get the hugs pushed down without the M&Ms, but keep your fingers crossed for me! :)

  22. a coworker of mine just made these but with peaut butter M&Ms. Amazing. I'm going to add them to my boyfriend's vday gift as a little homespun touch!

  23. My m&m's lost most of their color when cooling. Did I do something wrong?

    1. hmmm, i've never heard of that before. you didn't put them in the oven did you? or use no name brand candies? i don't know why they would lose their color, sorry. :(

    2. No...they were fine until I put them in the fridge. I'm going to try again. Thanks!

  24. I just made these to give out to a few friends on V-day. I used peanut butter M&M's because the store only had peanut butter ones with the V-day colors. They are fantastic! So quick to make and super cute!

  25. I made these as directed and they turned out EXACTLY like pictured above. Thanks for a great recipe. I made about 200 on the weekend - my kids and hubby gobbled most of them up, but we managed to save some to hand out at the Valentine's Day parties at my kids school. :)

  26. Fabulous! Just finished them today....would have been much better if I hadn't knocked the cookie sheet when I took them out of the oven, lol! Thanks for such a great idea!

  27. made some for the kids' valentine parties tomorrow also. thanks so much for sharing this wonderful idea!

  28. Ok I just made these today and my hubby and kids loved them.I made them so that my husband could take to his coworkers but it looks like Im going to have to make a separate batch for them. A++++++++++

  29. So cute! The only thing that takes time is unwrapping the Hugs. Made them with raspberry hugs - yummy and Valentiney. Found square pretzels at Target - Snyder's brand.

  30. Adorable!!! Just made some! Thanks!!!!

  31. i made it tonight and it so yummy! THANK YOU SO MUCH

  32. Yummo! Just made these with round gluten free pretzels. So cute. The chocolate completely covers the round pretzels and it really looks like a little button. The kids love them. Thanks for the great idea. :-)

  33. I made these last night using Hugs, regular Kisses and Cookies and Cream Kisses (my favourites) and they all turned out really well! The Cookies and Cream ones stayed a bit lumpy, but that's just the delicious cookie bits.


  34. Thanks so much for sharing this. I made these and packaged them up. Great little treat!

  35. I made these last night and they came out GREAT!
    They are so incredible easy to make & my 3-year-old son loved helping!
    They are so adorable and SO tasty! I sent my son to school with some for his Valentine's Day party - and I brought some with me to work. Everyone is RAVING about them!
    Appealing to the eye... and the tummy!
    Great treat! Thanks for sharing!

  36. These are wonderful! Thank you for posting this! I have already reprinted this myself!

  37. Dark Chocolate Kisses for 6 minutes at 200 degrees came out just fine...Thanks

  38. I made these for my boyfriend and he absolutely loved them!! I used just regular good ol' kisses, Snyder's butter snaps, and penut M&Ms instead. Four minutes in for 200 hundred degrees and the chocolate was just perfect, soft and still held its shape. In the end I was afraid they weren't going to solidify, but I just stuck them in the freezer for another 5 minutes and they were fine! The combination of the butter snaps and the penut M&Ms made the so crunchy and so flavorful! Thanks for the idea! :) xoxo

  39. Made these at Christmas with the nieces using red & green M & M's.

  40. I just made these last night for my Galentine's Day girls get together. The husband kept sneaking them, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to make them again (soon) for just him. Thanks for the share...these are wonderful. And I love everyone's suggestions for different flavors (I used the Snyders butter pretzels, too...yum!).

  41. OMG I just made these. LOVE THEM!! Thank you for the recipe! They were so easy and they are soooo good!!!

  42. I have been making these for years. With M&Ms coming in all holiday colors, you can make them for each holiday. Have also tried with many different flavors of Hershey Kisses, most recently raspberry flavor-yummy

  43. I have been making these for years. With M&Ms coming in all holiday colors, you can make them for each holiday. Have also tried with many different flavors of Hershey Kisses, most recently raspberry flavor-yummy

  44. I have tried this twice now and my kisses don't melt enough to press the m&m into it no matter how long I leave them in the oven. Don't know what I am doing wrong. Ant ideas?

    1. are you using hugs or kisses? i always have a hard time with the kisses melting. you could try turning up the oven a little bit. or maybe try another candy. rolos are really yummy. :)

  45. I made these at Christmas, using all the different flavors of kisses and hugs that I could find. All worked well except for the plain, silver-wrapped kisses. They did not melt well.

  46. love these things! i call them "pretzelies" and i love to add some extra salt on top!

  47. Just wanted to let you know that I found this via pinterest and thought it would be the perfect treat for my son to take to school for St. Patricks Day.

    We made ours with "Mint Truffle" Kisses and green M&M's. I took pictures and shared on my blog as well - feel free to take a look at what you've inspired! (

    I linked back to this specific blog post, and to your full blog as well. Hope you don't mind (just let me know if you do and I will remove!) Thanks so much!

  48. I made these today and they are awesome!!! I also used caramels in place of the hugs. I took 1/2 of a caramel & baked them for about 20-25 minutes on 170 degrees. It took longer for the caramels to get soft. I then topped some with the M&M's & some with chocolate chips. They were awesome as well...

    I shared with my neighbors & they all loved them. Thank you for the recipe!!

  49. If I need to make these up a week ahead of a party can I freeze them? Then just thaw out on the counter? Or do they save in a container?

    1. honestly i've never tried freezing them so i don't know how they'd turn out. i've frozen chocolate candies lots of times before and they taste just as good so it may work! they usually only last 4-5 days in a container if left out before they start to discolor and the chocolate takes on a different texture. hope that helps!

    2. Thank you! I will THINK on it!

  50. It's so not fair I live in Australia! None of these things & I've never seen pink M & M's :-(((

  51. These are also delectable with a Rolo and a walnut or pecan piece on top. It makes it like little caramel turtles! I've tried with the caramel kisses, but the caramel will never reset because it starts too soft at room temperature. Still very delicious but very messy. Better stick with Rolos.

  52. I'm making these for my goddaughter's birthday party this weekend. Thank you so much for sharing the idea, you're wonderful!

  53. Just made these and couldn't find a bag of just hugs, so I did both - but you shouldn't bake both at the same time. the hugs melt faster than the kisses. my kisses look better, but i think the hugs will taste better. sadly, i'm on a low carb diet and can't even try one - but hopefully the person i'm taking them to will like them. I loved the kisses with the red m&m and thought it would make really cute reindeer noses for Christmas. The varieties are endless. Thanks for sharing how to make these - super cute and easy!!

  54. I am in Australia, and we dont have the cofectionary you are using, but do you think marshmellows would work?

  55. Just made these and they took just about 7 min in my basic Frigidaire oven. Hugs came in all sorts of flavors like mint, cherry, dark, raspberry, etc. Wow!!! I used the white/milk like the above posted with Christmas seasonal m&m's in green and red. Fabulous!!! Thanks for this great idea !!! Bravo!!!

  56. How far ahead could I make these? I'm having a cookie swap a week before our Christmas party and would like to only make these once. Thanks!

    1. i wouldn't make them more than a day or two in advance. while they still taste good, sometimes the chocolate looks a little funny after a few days, especially the regular kisses. you could try freezing them but i've never done it so i can't say from experience if it works!

  57. I tried them with regular kisses because I couldn't find hugs and they came out great. Then I did find hugs so I wanted to try them since they look so cool with the stripes and I couldn't get them to turn out well at all. The coating of the hugs melted so fast that they were a drippy mess before the "core" of the hugs was soft enough to press the m&ms into. I tried different combinations of temp and time, but no matter what the outside of the hugs would melt before the chocolate in the middle was soft.

    1. The chocolate completely covers the round pretzels and it really looks like a little button. I liked Pretzel Buttons Thanks for sharing

      Valentines Day Gift Ideas

  58. What a nice treat for any kid at home! I think they can be good for Halloween trick or treats too. Often, I give candies to kids who knock on my door once the season begins. I’m sure they would love these pretzel buttons more than the usual stuff I make for their baskets. This is such a great idea, for those who are thinking of having a themed party or even to restaurant Fort Lauderdale owners and caterers as well. Thank you for sharing.

  59. Wondering if anyone has every used cherry cordial kisses?? Not sure they would melt the same way, but I have some and wanted to use them. Thoughts g-rated?

    1. mmmm, i bet it would be delicious! i know people have used the caramel filled kisses so i'm sure the cherry would work as well, though maybe just a little messy. :)

  60. I can't find the square pretzels, so I tried using regular ones. The chocolate just melted into the holes... So does this only work with squares? :(

    1. no, it should work. you just have to make sure not to melt the chocolate too much or it does go through the holes.

  61. So excited to try these for valentines! They look yummy! Visiting from

  62. I made these cuties this past weekend. Fun! I also used a Rolo on top then sandwiched it with a second pretzel. ADDICTIVE!!

  63. worked great, wish i had better colors to work with but could only find plain m&ms

  64. I made some using rolo candy pieces and I put a candy pecan on top. The pretzel, chocolate, caramel and pecan was amazing together. .

  65. I made some using rolo candy pieces and I put a candy pecan on top. The pretzel, chocolate, caramel and pecan was amazing together. .

  66. I found these on pinetrest and they are so good. I used the hugs with the Easter M&M's. They came out perfect. I set the oven at 195 and waited for about 4 min. Fast and simple treat that the kids all loved!

  67. LOVE this idea! I just made a batch with easter m&ms for my dancers this week. I can't wait to show them off

  68. Very interesting how everyone is having different experiences! I just spent two hours trying to get the hugs to melt just right, to no avail. However, I did find the kisses are perfect at 200 degrees for four minutes! For my hugs that aren't going to mate with the pretzel, I put the hug on a ritz for 350, 3 minutes, and then pushed another ritz on top after it was melted.

  69. Last weekend I made 250 of these, using hugs @ 200 for avg 5 min...taking out as soon as glossy and just starting to lose shape. They turned out cute and delicious! I left them on the counter for about 10 min then put cookie sheet in freezer for about 15 min or so...till hug is hard. Put them in freezer bags and they thawed out fine and still taste delicious! Hint: planned on making 250 more today so a few days ago I unwrapped 2 bags of hugs and put in airtight container...made first batch and they would not melt so don't unwrap hugs too much before making!

  70. Am I able to freeze them afterwards? & if so for how long? These are going to be perfect to munch on for a Bachelorette Party I'm planning. They look so yummy..

  71. Found this on pinterest and made these last night for a party. They were beyond delicious and so addictive! I just used regular-colored M&Ms, but used the hugs and pretzel squares. I did have to put them in the freezer about 20-30 minutes to get them to fully harden, then I stored them in the fridge - it was a hot summer day. I just set them out about 45 minutes before the party. Totally perfect. Thanks!!

  72. These look so EASY. Wow! I'm pinning this now :)

  73. Through trial & error I have found that anything dip, coated or sandwiched with chocolate stores better in tins not plastic containers...the chocolate discolours & goes whitish in plastic but not in tins :)

  74. I was so excited to make these. I had some Kisses (candy cane) left over from Christmas, so I thought I would use them. Well, I left them in for 5 min, then put them back in for another minute. They don't work. I think the reason is because of the tiny pieces of candy cane in the hug. They did not spread down when I pushed on them. I will definitely try again. You may want to make a note NOT to use Candy Cane. Thank you for this wonderful idea! Linda

  75. can you freeze these or store in sealed container for serving later in the week?

  76. FYI - I make these with the oven set at 275* for 3 minutes. Never had a problem with the Kisses melting and I have used the dark chocolate Kisses. Hope that helps for those having issues with cook time.

    1. I also use Utz Butter Waffle pretzels. They are circular. Works perfectly!! :)

  77. I have made these for a couple of years now using Candy Cane kisses at Christmas time...they are fantastic!! I used red/green chocolate chips last year instead of M&Ms and they got rave reviews,as well. I made a batch with Pumpkin Spice kisses this year in addition to the candy cane version...YUM!!! The Pumpkin Spice kisses just need a little less time than the Candy Cane version. Either way, these are requested every year...thanks for a great idea!

  78. Baked it at 170 for 3min and 40sec came out perfect

  79. whats the difference between hugs and kisses? cause ive never heard of the hugs before

    1. Hugs are white chocolate and milk chocolate together. They look "zebra striped"

  80. Hi i was wondering if anybody knew if these were ok to make about 24 hrs in advance? I would enclose them in a tin can. Thanks a lot :-)

    1. I've made them upto 3 days in advance and they turned out okay. Just store in airtight bags or containers.

  81. February 12, 2015-Made these just now, followed the instructions to a T and they came out perfect! Thank you for the recipe.

  82. I SO wanted to have these for my son's class tomorrow. The Hugs did not soften, at all. Kept them in the oven for over an hour. Please advise. I want to figure this out!

  83. These are just awesome Valentine Pretzel Buttons! I am glad to have this idea for my small DIY wedding party. I also have to find the suggestions for the best New York wedding venues and was just wondering if you can help me find a good place within the budget!

  84. Just made these tonight following original recipe above. Always a family/office favorite! :-)

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  94. These always come out perfect UNTIL I moved them into a storage container, then the kisses, fall off the pretzels. Wondering if this a milk chocolate kiss/vs the hug kisses issue. I put them into the refrig to harden but it does not seem like the kisses are imbedding themselves to the pretzels enough. These are delicious regardless!


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