
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas Bucket List

It's no secret that I love doing fun things to celebrate the holidays.  I've seen a ton of cute advent calendar ideas on Pinterest, but THIS one stuck out to me.  I like the idea of doing activities during the month of December but without being tied down to doing one every single day and without being tied down to what specifically we'd do each day.  A bucket list gives us the flexibility I need but also provides us with lots of opportunities for FUN!

The kids and I came up with a list of things we want to do this Christmas season.  Most of them require little effort on my part and are low-budget.  I'm hoping this will be a fun family tradition.  I printed and laminated the list so we can cross things off as we go and can reuse it again next year.

You can download my version HERE or if you're computer savvy you can get a blank version and add in your own list. 

What are some of your favorite things to do as a family during the Christmas season?



  1. This is such a good idea! We are still trying to figure out some family traditions to call our own, but I think we would have to add walk down mainstreet when it's snowing with hot chocolate to look at the lights :)

  2. I love this! I'm definitely going to have to try to work the blank one into something I can use with my kiddos. December seems to fly by and I don't want to miss out on doing some fun activities with them.

  3. What a wonderful bucket list. I have downloaded the page but how did you do those fantastic fonts that you have used?

    1. the fonts i used were smiley monster & cupid de locke (both free downloads if you do a google search). you can use a program like photoshop to make a text box and type all your list items. good luck! let me know if i can help at all.

  4. Thanks for the reply. I will definitely take a look for those fonts. I love them. I enjoyed your site and am now a follower.

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