
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Things We Love Thursdays: Goodreads

If you haven't heard of Goodreads, it's this place where readers can go to make virtual bookshelves of books to read, books read, and to be able to review books and see what books your friends are reading.  I LOVE it!  I have found so many amazing books to read through it.  I love seeing what my friends are reading and love adding those books to my to-be-read shelf (which currently has 243 books!).

I've never really liked browsing book stores or libraries because I get too overwhelmed with all those books.  And it's so hard to pick a book based on it's description.  Plus my library rarely has the "good" books on the shelves -- you have to put your name on a waiting list.  I would be missing out on so many books if I went just based off of what was on the shelves! 

Chelsea & I are both on Goodreads and are always looking for new friends.  You can find Chelsea's profile HERE and mine HERE.  Hope to see you over there!


  1. ooo thanks for sharing! I am going to look into this :)

  2. You know I'm just as addicted as you guys. How on earth did we survive without goodreads?

