
Monday, April 23, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Ideas

Teacher Appreciation week is just 2 weeks away (May 7th - May 11th).  I know teachers do so much for our kids and I am a firm believer in showing my gratitude to them.  I mean, they are with my kids the majority of the day, so they deserve an award for that alone! :P  Anyway,  I thought I'd share with you some of my favorite ideas from my Teacher Appreciation Pinterest Board.

This one got the most repins from my board.  It is from Build It Sew It Love It and she even gives you a cute little matching printable.  I had totally planned to do this one for Cailyn's teacher until I found out she already has this book.  Darn!

How cute is this eraser gumball machine?!  I think this would be a great gift for the classroom!  

We made some of these book labels for Cailyn's teacher last year.  Very inexpensive but very cute!

I think this supply bucket from Corner House would be greatly appreciated by any teacher!  It is such a practical gift that can be used in any classroom. 

Haphazard Happenstances has cute printables to go along with small gifts -- so you can bring your teacher a gift a day!

Have you decided what you'll be getting your teachers this year?


  1. so many great ideas, that eraser gumball machine is too fun, perfect for the classroom. :)

  2. These are all such fun ideas! In my 6 years as a teacher I have never seen Teacher Appreciation Week celebrated in Canada. Too bad, since these are all such fun ways to show teachers that you appreciate them! In my experience it is always the families that you have to do so much more for throughout the year that don't even acknowledge this time and effort with a simple thank you.
